Nature-Inspired Device Mimics Eye Structure to Capture High-Quality Images

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Scientists have developed a new bio-inspired device that mimics the structure of the human eye to capture high-quality images. This innovative device, called an “artificial cornea,” is based on the structure and function of the cornea and lens in the human eye.

The artificial cornea is made up of a layered structure, including a transparent lens and an array of nanowires that act like photoreceptors in the human eye. These nanowires are capable of capturing and processing light in a way that closely resembles the function of the photoreceptor cells in the retina.

Scientists created a new sensor array from narrowband perovskite photodetectors, which mimic our cone cells, and connected it to a neuromorphic algorithm, which mimics our neural network, to process the information and produce high-fidelity images. Credit: Kai Wang

The device is designed to be used in a range of applications, from medical imaging to surveillance and security. It has the potential to significantly improve the quality of images captured in low-light conditions, and to provide a more realistic and detailed view of the world around us.

One of the key benefits of this technology is that it is highly efficient, with low power consumption and fast response times. This makes it ideal for use in portable devices, such as smartphones and tablets, as well as in larger imaging systems.

Overall, the development of this bio-inspired device represents a major breakthrough in the field of imaging technology, and offers exciting new possibilities for capturing high-quality images in a range of applications.

Reference:; Pennsylvania State University 

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